Okay, I'm not an equation guy so I'm going to ask you guys to chew on this one.
Anyway, the pop scientist guy (asian American, can't remember his name but he's the go-to guy on Fox for all things "sciencey"), suggested that our universe might actually be within the event horizon of a black hole
Isn't that just the sort of Black Holes and Baby Universes thing* that Hawking has been espousing for a while; that every black hole creates a new universe?
(*NOTE: I don't know if that's originally Hawking's or not)
interesting stuff (on the voids)
As for the notion that the universe isn't fractal in nature because it's too inconvenient to be true; you might as well tell me water isn't wet.
But back to the voids. Since we don't know the nature of the space (or lack thereof), we don't know how it affects objects (like photons) that travel through or around it. Do they speed up? Slow down? No effect? Do we know the frequency of void distribution? Is it a homogenous distribution?
In your model, Russ, the voids are the exhaust from other black holes, right? So the void is actually filled with neutrinos rushing in.
If the voids are filled with neutrinos that pass through everything, unimpeded, why are the voids void? Why doesn't matter pass right through or form within it?
If the neutrinos are exhaust from black holes, why does that necessitate that they be in another universe? Could it not be expulsions from black holes within our universe?
Here's an interesting link that touches on the point I'm getting at with the voids:
particularly this bit: "The star is not visible at these infrared wavelengths but pushes on the surrounding dust and gas with nothing more than the power of its starlight."
photons, taken by themselves, have almost negligible mass, but in ridiculously high concentration can push gasses around, to the point that they become so concentrated at the front, the gas can collapse and form new stars.
Since your proposing an environment that hadn't been considered before: a ridiculously high concentration of neutrinos, is it not possible that in such concentration they may have more rigid characteristics en masse? Thus pushing away local matter and creating the voids.
Sorry, a bit more on neutrinos - you said earlier "Now, those Neutrinos can carry MORE energy as well....SO they also carry all the other EM radiation from Gamma/Xray on down to the lowest."
If neutrinos can carry radiation, they are interacting with it.
This is patently NOT true...Light/Photons do NOT interact with one another...
never say never in physics
never say never in physics. the collision cross section is very small 10^-40 to 10^-50 m^-2 if I remember correctly.
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