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Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / Foundational Questions Institute (2632 hits)
By Jade Annand Date 2010-06-13 05:09 Edited 2010-06-13 05:12
Anyone ever take a gander at these guys? I found them looking for some articles by Craig Callender.

It looks like they do some essay contests as well. There are quite a few submissions that were made for the nature of time, for example.

No forum topics yet under cosmology itself, though, looks like. Meh, Guth and Rees are on the advisory council, though.
By RussT Date 2010-06-14 01:46
Here is another along this line...

OR, it could be included somewhere...

I found this by googleing Z Pinch Black Holes...

To try and see if anyone in the 'Electric Camp' was attempting to show that Z Pinches were actually responsible for creating SMBH's...

Well, they 'could be' BUT, all Eric Lerner is doing is "Denying" that black holes exist at all!!!

SO, what is the difference between what Eric is showing and what I am showing???

I can answer ALL of this!!!
By RussT Date 2010-06-17 09:08
This was supposed to be my basic reply to...

I can answer all of I will put it here so it makes sense...and I fixed a few things with names.

I have found, what I am now sure, is the key to the Universe...

That is...mainstream has been trying to figure out how/when SMBH's form in a galaxies life for well over 30 + years now.

I am the first person on the Planet to come up with the proposition that SMBH's are 'Created/Born' in "Empty Space" and is NOT due to the collapse of "Baryonic Matter". "GRB's >2 seconds to 500 seconds"..."Hence that is also the key to rewriting QM and unifying the Macro with the Micro"

They have a whole bunch of 'possible scenarios' whereby gas clouds collapse  OR Huge Stars collapse, OR small black holes merge, OR they try to put them  in the 'so called' early primodial universe, and since they invented WIMPS and CDM Halos (which do NOT exist), try to combine them with those ETC ETC...
So, they can keep trying these for a bazillion years and NEVER succeed, because they are NOT 'gas clouds'....there was NO BIG BANG

Well, starting from my scenario, I have definitely been able to falsify the Big Bang Naked Singularity, and then knowing that the Universe is a "MultiVerse" with 'something' coming Straight Through SMBH's have been able to understand that space and time are NOT flipped inside a black hole and there is NO - sign to repel anything at the so called singularity...and that in fact, if there is a singularity there at all, it means the Maths are showing that it doesn't even exist.

And then the more and more I learned about SR, I finally figured out that the singularity definitions of 0 time from A to B to infinity/0 distance from infinity are absolutely meaningless!

SO, Eric Lerner is right about Crothers being right...Schwarzschild Black Holes/Event Horizons do NOT exist at all, Including the FLRW EFE "Inside Solution" of the Naked expanding Schwarzschild singularity.

BUT, that does NOT eliminate the Kerr Rotating SMBH's.

Now, once you switch to the rotating black holes, the spherical event horizon is no longer valid, and I have now determined that the ones mainstream is portraying are totally wrong as well...

Because when you model the event horizon of the E-R bridge...

Then you have a major problem,,,,On the other side of the galaxy, where the "Other Jet" would be coming from (Even though those Jets are NOT coming out of the black hole, they are coming from the accretion disc, that took 10's of billions of years to form over the top of the event horizon), there is Another Event Horizon.

NOW, all of this means that those SMBH's are "Real"....BUT, BUT , BUT

It means that ALL of the Maths that mainstream is using to validate those SMBH's is wrong wrong wrong...

And what is coming "Straight Through" those SMBH's into our Universe, to give us our "Space" is the "Aether"...the Neutrinos, which are the ZPE fiield...

and those Neutrinos are actually the CMBR traveeling at "c" in every/all directions non-collisionally.

That ZPE Field is the Electric Universe, and means that the Rotating SMBH creates a HUGE Magnetic Field which holds the gas/stars in their orbits and therefore means that stars hold their planets in their orbits via the same mechanism.

SO, now Newton and Einstein are BOTH wrong, as well as Maxwell, Schroedinger, and everyone who has ever tried to figure out the Universe.

And the entire problem has always been that NO ONE has tried to put everything in 3D...

Well, the only option with all of this is to understand that everything needs to be redone, and that until someone can come up with a 3d version, using what I am showing....that we have no choice but to stick with Newton, and eliminate Relativity all together and concentrate on figuring out how Tesla/and the name of the other major guy who claimed that the magnetic field was holding the planets in their orbits escapes me right now.
ETA: Alfven is the name I was trying to remember right before I went to bed ;>))

Mainstream thinks they understand black holes, when they don't at all, and...

They always talk about people who try to make the universe into what they 'think it should be' and caution them that you can't do that...

BUT, that is exactly what they have done with all their 'supposed' Laws of Physics of a "Closed System", when in reality it MUST be an "Open System" for there has to be a 'Cause and Effect" Mechanism for how the energy our Universe uses 'Gets Here"...which is exactly what I am showing!!!

How the Energy Gets here....through the SMBH's in the Other Universe.... that Energy is used to "Start New Galaxies"

That's it in a nutshell ;>))
Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / Foundational Questions Institute (2632 hits)

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