is the ADS paper.
Welcome back Dave :>))
From the Abstract
"(4) It was found that only 18% of the M51 type companions have redshift measurements in the literature. There is a significant need for spectroscopic study of the companions in order to improve the value of the catalog as a sample for studying the effects of M51 type interaction on galaxy dynamics"
This obviously important, as they/mainstream are making determinations based on such a small data set!
But, here is a quick question for mainly Dave, but everyone can answer.
How can the stars rotational speed/velocity in the disc/equitorial plane even be determined considering that M51 is a "Face On" Galaxy from our line of site?
I mean by this that the stars in the disc are neither coming toward us nor going away from us (Accept for the possibility that they are going up or down in the thickness of the ecliptic) so how can a "Blue Shift/Red Shift" even be determined?
M51 is my "Wall Paper" on my Puter, so I have spent a great deal of time studying it and many other galaxies correlations from Birth/evolution. IF M51's "Jets" were "On" one would be pointed directly at us and the other Jet (From the other side of the galactic center: the 'supposed' other 'pole') would be pointed directly away from us!