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Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / Time Dilation from EM fields (2209 hits)
By Jade Annand Date 2011-08-11 18:20
While not a necessary thing, I would be most intrigued if it turned out that electromagnetism, like gravity, could have a time dilatory effect. The thought crossed my mind the other day, and it has crossed other peoples' minds on occasion as well.

The consequences if such an effect were found would be profound: it would take gravity out of the running as the sole arbiter of time dilation and either expand or nullify the Equivalence Principle. "Spacetime" would have to be modified, since electromagnetism has a differential effect on particles that gravity does not.

The effect might turn out not to exist, of course.
By bangstrom Date 2011-08-12 19:08
Does gravity have a time dilatory effect on spacetime or is spacetime dilation the cause of the effect we call gravity? We can ask if gravity is a spacetime curvature or if it has an independent existence of its own in the form of something such as gravitons. I prefer to think of gravity simply as curved spacetime and this eliminates the need for graviton particles as an explanation for gravity and it makes spacetime dilation the cause of the effect we call gravity.
To rephrase the question. Does spacetime dilation cause the effect we call electromagnetism? I think this is a possibility and it eliminates the need for the photon particle as an explanation for electromagnetism.
Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / Time Dilation from EM fields (2209 hits)

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