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Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / Methuselah Star (675 hits)
By Jade Annand Date 2019-08-10 02:18
From the article:

Previous research had estimated that the Milky Way galaxy's so-called "Methuselah star" is up to 16 billion years old. That's a problem, since most researchers agree that the Big Bang that created the universe occurred about 13.8 billion years ago.

Now a team of astronomers has derived a new, less nonsensical age for the Methuselah star, incorporating information about its distance, brightness, composition and structure.

Or, the age is correct and you'll need something that can support it. I can see why they go after these with everything in their arsenal, mind.

I'm starting to feel like new telescopes coming online could make this issue even worse. If they incorrectly "adjusted" this star's age, maybe hundreds more like it but different could help?

In the end, the astronomers estimated that HD 140283 was born 14.5 billion years ago, plus or minus 800 million years. Further observations could help bring the Methuselah star's age down even further, making it unequivocally younger than the universe, researchers said.

Yeah, those are still not the best error bars for star formation.
Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / Methuselah Star (675 hits)

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