I agree that the Halton Arp website is a disaster. Here's Halton, the focus of dissenters and He has missed the boat. He could have had it all. Maybe he is just too old to realise what he is missing.
Website's are in. I talked to Prof Assis at the ccc2 conference ( well worth a visit if only for the name dropping) and he said the same , with the internet, does a peer reviewed paper have the same standing? Surely the reader can make up their own mind?
Anyway, there is a new one that seems to be good. Surprisingly Cynthia is the president ( i think). She was/is the editor of Galilean Electrodynamics - the journal that published my first paper.
At first they where way behind the times with the internet (no exposure) but now!!!
hereHere they are are publishing papers, books etc.
More than that they are doing video conferencing of ATM papers.
They even have
me there!
and no, i didn't enter anything yet.
Worth a look.