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Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / now heres a website (6241 hits)
By lyndonashmore Date 2009-04-30 19:27 Edited 2009-04-30 19:35
I agree that the Halton Arp website is a disaster. Here's Halton, the focus of dissenters and He has missed the boat. He could have had it all. Maybe he is just too old to realise what he is missing.
Website's are in. I talked to Prof Assis at the  ccc2 conference ( well worth a visit if only for the name dropping) and he said the same , with the internet, does a peer reviewed paper have the same standing? Surely the reader can make up their own mind?
Anyway, there is a new one that seems to be good. Surprisingly Cynthia is the president ( i think). She was/is the editor of Galilean Electrodynamics - the journal that published my first paper.
At first they where way behind the times with the internet (no exposure) but now!!!
See here
Here they are are publishing papers, books etc.
More than that they are doing video conferencing of ATM papers.
They even have me there!
and no, i didn't enter anything yet.
Worth a look.
By lyndonashmore Date 2009-04-30 19:55
Haltons probably singing in his bath
"it should have been me!"
By David Russell Date 2009-04-30 21:47
Interesting site, but it seems to be missing an "about us" page.   There is a lot of interesting information, but I get no sense of how one gets themselves added to the list, what the scope of the site is, how papers get listed there ...   Maybe I missed that.   Any help?
By lyndonashmore Date 2009-05-01 07:30
I just got an e mail asking me to update my info and an invite to the online conferences.
Once a member one just uploads your papers (i think - have'nt tried it yet) The stuff there on me was already there.
It looks good though.
By Ari Jokimäki Date 2009-10-26 12:31
Somebody has added me in there as well:

Not only that, but they also started to load my e-mailbox with all kinds of event announcements, etc.
By Jade Annand Date 2009-10-26 22:02
I can tell you it wasn't me - I would have added your web site in there, not a link to here :)

Do you get to edit your entry at all?
By Ari Jokimäki Date 2009-10-27 06:10
Well, I guess I could always contact them. There's also login-feature, but I don't know what one can do with that. I don't mind really, but at least it's one more place where the spammers can download my e-mail address.
By Jade Annand Date 2009-10-27 16:48
Maybe you should contact them at least to allow for obfuscation purposes, though I think spammers have probably figured out tricks like "dot" or "removeme" by now.

Ugh - they've got you here, too:

Only takes one exposure - *grumble grumble*

I expose myself to spammers only inadvertently through contest entries. I've managed to avoid the worst, though - anything that looked a little seedy, I've set up an email account for, usually with the name of the potentially seedy people in the e-mail address. The "sponsored IQ Test" people were the absolute worst - holy crow - filled up a 2 Mb email account in no time flat. Phew!
By tivamill Date 2009-11-17 16:49 Edited 2009-11-21 11:33
[Tivamill has been banned - they post on lots of differently-subjected forums with vague paragraphs and a link to their web site.]

I guess the website has some very interesting information. It might be a good thing that the website is really has. But how should the papers get listed there? That seems like a big question to that.

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