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Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / Galaxies Appear Simpler Than Expected (5467 hits)
By Jade Annand Date 2009-06-14 05:20
This one is from late last year, and thus might be old news, but is notable both for its clear statement in the paper about the trouble with the mainstream galaxies-formed-from-merging scheme and the presence of M. Disney, notable for his Modern Cosmology: Science or Folktale? article.

From the paper:
Here we report that a sample of galaxies that were first detected through their neutral hydrogen radio-frequency emission, and are thus free of optical selection effects5, shows five independent correlations among six independent observables, despite having a wide range of properties. This implies that the structure of these galaxies must be controlled by a single parameter, although we cannot identify this parameter from our dataset.

Such a degree of organisation appears to be at odds with hierarchical galaxy formation, a central tenet of the cold dark matter paradigm in cosmology6.

Emphases mine.

Given the more recently-observed small blue galaxies (if I recall correctly) and a few papers of this ilk, along with quasar metallicity issues, this puts a bit of a chink in the current crop of evolve-from-primordial hypotheses, especially LCDM.

One thing I know inspired astronomers to consider the evolutionary scenarios (of the universe as opposed to individual objects) was the strange looks of the galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field (I think it was that rather than the UDF). Out of curiosity, have any alties come up with a satisfactory explanation of those?
By RussT Date 2009-06-14 23:11 Edited 2009-06-15 00:00
This implies that the structure of these galaxies must be controlled by a single parameter, although we cannot identify this parameter from our dataset.

I can, and have, BUT you guy's refuse to think/understand that SMBH's are 'real'.

And those SMBH's are NOT mainstream's because they won't let 'anything' go "Straight Through" those SMBH's.

Relativity does NOT Exist at all is and was 'falsified' from the very beginning when two 'observer's', 'at any distance', "NOWS" could be 'pulled together' "Instantneously"...........Simply Impossible.................that is what happens when you define things at the Division by 0!!!

Baryonic Matter going "Straight Through" SMBH's get's "Spaghettified" and electrons/protons/neutrons get 'stripped' of all their baryonic qualities, aand become the "God Particle"..............Neutrinos

That's where Ari's............"Continually" comes in, and where the "Steady State" becomes valid...the only way to eliminate the singularities, is for thewre to be NONE in those SMBH's, and for the "God Particle"/Neutrinos to be coming 'straight through'..........Yes "Open System" the Only Answer that works!!!

To the galaxies...

Neither of these are "Quasars"!!!! "Quasars" are M87's!!!
(ETA: I am saying that there are SMBH's 10Billion+ Sol masses in Quasars....BUT even if you say that those are Super Massive Objects (SMO's), and even IF you say they are closer, and therefore, not as massive....galaxies cannot start off with SMO's that massive, OR they would be evolving "Backwards", and our Milky Way, of 3 million sol mass's, would be heading toward 'death as a dark galaxy'!!!)Think This through!

And all the HI galaxies/LSB's/BCD's that Disney found cannot be ejected from AGN's either as they are far away from any of those 'cluster' galaxies!

This is the single parameter!!!

All Baryogenisis started when the SMBH of each galaxy was born>>>Long GRB's >2 seconds to 100 seconds for Dwarf Galaxies and Long GRB's 120 seconds to 500 seconds for Spiral Galaxies....Very thin (Edge on) when born, and width of disc thickening as evolution progresses and the 'accretion disc' thickens.
By Ari Jokimäki Date 2009-06-15 09:11
I'm sure we had a discussion or even whole thread about this previously, but I can't find it. Perhaps I'm thinking about some other thing that is similar to this...
By RussT Date 2009-06-15 10:48 Edited 2009-06-15 10:56
If you are talking about Disney's paper/article, yes we covered that in the Astronomy Sect of BAUT with perijokj (sp) piping in with his derogatories ;)

And the astro/phys paper had pics of many of the HI galaxies, but that link doesn't work any more.

I Emailed him once on it and he said he was going to look into it, and gave me a lady to Email about, but she never responded and the last I looked it still didn't work.

If you find that, I would really appreciate you letting me know...

By the way, all of the "Tip of the Red Giant Stage" (TRG) stuff they use to show those galaxies must be of age 1 billion to 10 billion years old is absolute Bunk...........those are New Galaxies (relatively)

The two I linked above I estimate to be between 500 million to 1 billion years old...maybe even younger for the Dark Galaxy.

By Ari Jokimäki Date 2009-06-18 05:17
Ahh, it was in different forum... thanks.

I think the preprint is this one:
However, there is another one on HI galaxies (but this one is not with Disney as lead author):

Neither has lot of galaxy images though.

You can use this by entering "disney" to the Author-box to browse more Disney papers:
By RussT Date 2009-06-18 10:46
In your Correlations of HI galaxies paper (SDSS) you gave a

> link...        Galaxies

This was the link that was in the paper...

It still doesn't work.

Neither of the papers you linked would load into my PDF properly.

If I remember correctly, there were thumbnails of about 30-40 HI images that had been correctly identified to their optical images for those galaxies....that was one of Perejokj's arguments...that he wasn't so convinced that they could even do that...match them...
By Ari Jokimäki Date 2009-06-22 09:22
The PDF's open for me without problem. I linked to abstract pages so the links weren't supposed to open PDF's directly. The PDF link is in upper right corner. (Just making sure that the problem is not something this simple...). These papers don't have the thumbnails though.
By RussT Date 2009-06-23 09:33
Yeah, sorry Ari, I should have just taken your advice and looked it up on the link you gave me in the first place....

Here it is...
arXiv:0809.1434 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: Correlations among the properties of galaxies found in a blind HI survey, which also have SDSS optical data

# 2 on the list

The site link I mentioned is on page #9 sect 4...
Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / Galaxies Appear Simpler Than Expected (5467 hits)

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