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Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / on a roll (2004 hits)
By lyndonashmore Date 2009-09-21 20:13
Ok so we have sorted vixra out and world scienc e database.
Anybody heard of these two?
International Academy for Cosmological Studies (IACS)
I met the Vira guy in port Angeles and they were going to do an arXiv and journal. they had money and sponsored (one of em) the CCC2 conference.
Membership is 'by invitation only' Any one been invited? i haven't
But what about IACS?
Thoughts please
By Jade Annand Date 2009-09-22 18:50 Edited 2009-09-22 19:10
I don't know about VIRA. I can get behind the second part of their mission:

VIRA said:

Studies in Classical and/or Quantum Electrodynamics identifying and elucidating mechanisms by which Doppler-like redshifts of light waves would occur upon propagation through intergalactic, interstellar and general medium

The first part seems good on the surface:

VIRA said:

Cosmological models with (multi)fractal distribution of matter as opposed to an expanding homogeneous Universe

The only problem (for me) being with the assertion:

VIRA said:

In view of the apparent Poincare-invariance of the world around us, models in which no privileged point (the center of mass of the Universe), direction (the direction of the velocity of the Universe) or inertial frame (the Universe’s rest frame) exist seem to make a lot of sense. Such models are only possible if both coordinate and velocity distributions of the matter in the Universe are fractal.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding them, but that does not seem, to me, to necessarily follow.

Their third part of their mission:

VIRA said:

Alternatives of the Standard Solar/Stellar Model, in which the bulk of the energy produced comes from sources other than nuclear fusion

Seems pretty cranky to me, in particular with the sources that they are quoting talking about things like the sun having the same composition as meteorites:

VIRA said:

Empirical evidence however shows that the Sun’s elemental composition is not very different from that of the meteorites and nearby planets[11].

Alrighty then.

You can see the quoted paper here on the 'The Sun Is Iron' site.


As to the IACS, where are they and what are they? I can find but traces of their virtual existence. Even the one link on the CCC2 page is broken.
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