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Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / conCERN re Big Bang (3156 hits)
By lyndonashmore Date 2009-10-06 19:36
Last september the whole world quivered as they switched on the new super hadron collider at CERN in order to recreate the Big Bang.
Would it blow us all to smithereens? Would it be the end of the world we asked?
Then there was the leak. No plumbers around?
Since then nothing.
How long does it take to repair a leak?
Since then no news at all.
Methinks, CERN we have a problem.
By Mike Petersen Date 2009-10-07 14:01

I'm sure you were leaving this post with tongue in cheek, 'cause all you have to do is Google "CERN in the news" to see what's been published about it.  And, IIRC, there was coverage on its repair process in one of the History channel shows that covers big repairs, big jobs, and whatnot.

Mike Petersen
By Jade Annand Date 2009-10-08 06:51
They're just coming up for their restart next month, aren't they?

I got the impression that they were just much more likely to have harder repairs to do simply because they're relying on superconductivity to accomplish things instead of a much harder to accomplish and perhaps all but geographically impossible in the current location - but potentially "easier" for things like repairs - larger ring.

Ah yes, something akin to this:

Gillies said such failures occur frequently in particle accelerators, but it was made more complicated in this case because the Large Hadron Collider operates at near absolute zero, colder than outer space, for maximum efficiency.

"When they happen in our other accelerators, it's a matter of a couple of days to fix them," Gillies said. "But because this is a superconducting machine and you've got long warmup and cool-down periods, it means we're going to be off for a couple of months."

He said it would take "several weeks minimum" to warm up the sector.

"Then we can fix it," Gillies said. "Then we cool it down again."
By Mike Petersen Date 2009-10-09 18:18
Anothher LHC story:

Large Hadron Collider Could Test Hyperdrive Propulsion
Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / conCERN re Big Bang (3156 hits)

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