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Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / The Ks-band Tully-Fisher Relation (2559 hits)
By Jade Annand Date 2009-10-08 06:42
DGR has another paper out: The Ks-band Tully-Fisher Relation - A Determination of the Hubble Parameter from 218 ScI Galaxies and 16 Galaxy Clusters.

In it, he makes the case for a higher H0 than from the Hubble Key Project - around 84 km/s/Mpc instead of 70ish km/s/Mpc based on a less turbulent subset of spirals which suffer from less potential Malmquist bias.

One thing I found interesting is the concordance with SN Ia data. Are these from the light curves, which have been lorded over alternate cosmologies as the one thing they cannot explain, or from some other factor intrinsic to SN Ias?

David points out issues with such a high H0 for concordance cosmology - our oldest globular clusters can only be fit in by altering Ωm to 0.14, over 4 standard deviations away from the value derived in Muzzin et al's 2007 study.
By Ari Jokimäki Date 2009-10-09 05:19
I think you are a bit slow... ;)
By Jade Annand Date 2009-10-09 06:25
Dang, you're right :) *laugh*

Sorry - I was taking it out of the cosmology newsletter, which means that I'm just echoing Hilton and Eric's slowness ;)

Can I claim parent brain syndrome?
Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / The Ks-band Tully-Fisher Relation (2559 hits)

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