I saved some of them. Now I'm putting them online.
Downside is that I only have saved those discussions that I participated to.
It was an enjoyable read!
However, in my humble opinion, I see this as Halton's swan song.
That still makes me happy in that I think most of the discussions that I participated in were ones that you did as well ;)
Well, I think there has to be some kind of matter destruction scheme ongoing. It might be just due to decay of matter if not anything else. If quasars are created out of new matter in nuclei of galaxies, then perhaps that new matter is created out of old matter that has fallen in to the nucleus.
Did it make you manually italicize all the <i>...</i> instead of letting you just do search and replace or some sort of macro?
I must say, too, that I miss Ted Rusk and Nick White. Has anyone managed to track them down in the interim?
Now I know why we have less to say these days - we really got a lot off our chests back in the day :)
Well, as you might remember, the haltonarp.com discussion board had e-mail addresses linked the threads for all the commenters so I might be able to track some of them down.
Yep. We have been there, done that. Mind you, there has been rather quiet in alternative cosmology/redshift controversy front for quite some time now.
Speaking of old discussions, I found out that the Wayback Machine actually has a pretty decent archive of the old forums: here.
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