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By Azelx7 Date 2010-03-25 08:46 Edited 2010-06-27 23:11
By Jade Annand Date 2010-03-25 22:08
Do you mean Many-Worlds?

I understand why people would like it; after all, the way quantum systems behave is weird, and a multiverse could 'explain it away'. The photon followed this path? Well, it really followed all paths in a bunch of different universes

Unfortunately, the number of splits that would occur every Planck-second would be innumerable. Where exactly would the splits go, if they are deemed to still exist? It would have to massively violate any spirit of a law of conservation that could be applied to the realm or dimension across which these splits would occur. It wouldn't be just other possibilities splitting from us, either; whatever we perceive ourselves as would be splitting away from everything else, too, so we cannot just fold the other possibilities away in a curled up dimension or what have you.

The common 'parallel universes' science fiction trope doesn't really apply to Many-Worlds.

Quantum physics is pretty weird, but we may suss it out eventually, if there is a "what's really happening" to be had. At the very least, Many-Worlds gives us very few research possibilities; we will probably make more headway assuming that it is not true.

If you instead mean something like the universes with different constants to get around the Anthropic Principle, then I can address that instead :)
By Mike Petersen Date 2010-03-26 00:35

A nice breath of fresh air in our midst.  We certainly needed it!  May I suggest once again that you take a look at string theory and what it has to say about the multiverse.  It's a natural progression to the multiverse (brane theory) that precipitates out of string theory.

Now, before all you guys go thinking I have bought into the string theory ball of yarn, nothing could be further from the truth.  I think there are many valuable contributions that can be made by string theory protagonists, and if the LHC shows that string theory can't be ruled out (for example, if super-symmetry pans out to be real), the physics world will start paying it more attention than it has received of late.

Mike Petersen
By Jade Annand Date 2010-03-26 16:41
Azelx7 said:

I am also talking about bubble nucleation, fecund universes theory (or cosmological natural selection theory), ultimate ensemble theories, modal realism etc.

Not very many of them seem like productive hypotheses. Who's to say that black holes could bubble space out, let alone form other universes? General Relativity notwithstanding, who's to say it's a geometrical singularity and not 'just' a field? It's a fun concept and lets us contemplate an infinite regress, but how would we know?

There may also be some interrelation between the physical constants that we have not discovered yet. Cosmological natural selection theory gives a 'cute' means by which this could come about, but the mechanism for physical constant shifting seems a bit specious.

Mike said:

A nice breath of fresh air in our midst.  We certainly needed it!

We've been talking amongst ourselves for so long, I think we were almost all talked out ;) Thanks for coming to play with us, Azelx7.

(I must say, the name tweaked me at first because I've got a son named Axel :)

Mike said:

May I suggest once again that you take a look at string theory and what it has to say about the multiverse.  It's a natural progression to the multiverse (brane theory) that precipitates out of string theory.

Well, multiverse hypotheses predate brane theory* by quite a bit. The various speculations with branes have been a lot of fun - shadow galaxies, D-branes, F-theory, brane inflation - but haven't really led to much. At least some of them attempt some predictions (like the predictions of brane inflation), which has been sorely lacking in the field, but even then it's often anyone's guess how unique the explanations turn out to be.

(*Side note: why do we call them theories again? Scientists keep telling folks that theories in a science sense are best consensus explanations, but physics insists on calling fleshed-out hypotheses theories)

It seems to me that if there were a multiverse and the other universes were "up" or "down" in another dimension from us, that they are either reasonably sparse/far apart or we would see intersections in gravity wells, or just out in spheres in space for no apparent reason where a gravity well from a universe "above" us (away from the direction that all gravity wells go) intersects us.

Azelx7 said:

Unfortunately for them, that's not how science is done. No one ever said discovering the truth was easy, but it sure beats skipping around certain of aspects of the truth that you don't like and then rationalizing why skipping was better anyway.

A-freaking-men :)

Now mind you, they could turn out to be right, but history has not often given eventual credit to unproductive hypotheses :)
By Ari Jokimäki Date 2010-03-27 05:55
Perhaps you should check what Andrei Linde says about these issues:
By RussT Date 2010-03-28 11:44 Edited 2010-03-28 11:51
Azelx7 said:

please, anyone who actually backs multiverse theory feel free to explain it to me.

Azelx7, I have a fully developed and 100% consistent Multiverse theory that is scattered throughout these pages and BAUT.

It all Started with an observation I made about 4 1/2 years ago, about long GRB's >2 seconds to 100 seconds being new dwarf galaxies and 120 seconds to 500 seconds being full regular spiral Galaxies>>>1 to 10 ratio..."Mini Bangs"...each Bang being the creation of a NEW SMBH and therefore a New Galaxy.

BUT, everyone on the QSSC side of Cosmology does NOT think that SMBH's even exist.

Now, once I was convinced that this made sense, and that therefore the Big Bang never happened (I doubted it anyways)...that means that there was NO...

1. NO Hot Begining
2. NO T=0
3. NO Universe full of any elements including the HI/He/Lithium/deuterium.

That simple meant that as each Massive Black Hole was being formed, that the High Energy Gamma Radiation Burst was creating the Electrons/Protons/Neutrons...that once cooled (Just like Big Bang Neucleosynthesis) could form the HI/He/Lithium/deuterium...

SO, once the GRB afterglow, fades and cools....what would you expect to be able to see/detect????????????????   that's right...a Dark HI galaxy...

And then??? First Star Light in a galaxy...

SO, ALL galaxies started as Dark Galaxies, then you get BCD's (Blue Compact Disc galaxies...but NOTE: this so called dwarf, ain't a dwarf galaxy at all!!!) then LSB's (Low Surface Bright galaxies) then HSB's (High Surface Bright galaxies) then Seyferts I and II with radio quiet and radio loud (Jet's on) AGN's
and then lastly Ellipticals in the center of clusters.

Now, the Bigger/more massive the Black Hole...the Older a galaxy is.

ALL the stuff mainstream shows/constrains/forces about the most distant galaxies being in a much smaller volume of space and therefore younger and developed wayyyyy faster is pure 'making the universe the way they think it should be'...they are NOT really observations!!!

SO, Quasars/AGN's with their jets on, and in the billions of Sol mass SMBH's CANNOT be New Galalxies!!!

The Milky Way, according to mainstream, has the oldest stars clusters, equaling the age of the Universe, and so was in the smallest volume of Big Bang space, and yet our Sgr* A (SMBH) is only 3-4 million sol masses. Did our SMBH start much larger and has been diminishing...NOOOOOOO!

SO, tha explains the to the "Darkness"...

Mainstream has, since Relativity started, defined "Everything" in a "Closed System" with ALL the "Laws of Physics" defined for Conservation of everything!!!

SO, one of the Biggest deals for Black Holes, is that Mainstream will let Nothing GO through a Black Hole without a 'Singularity' being in it's depths.

SO, the ONLY thing ALL the theorists (Lee Smolen/Lisa Randall) and all the string guys have been left with is "Dimensions".

BUT, that is "Definitely" not the answer...the problem is the singularities in the first place, and they are mainly in the Schwarzschild solution (which doesn't even exist because there are NO non-rotating stars/black holes} BUT also because of the Singularity in SR that is being applied to black hole solutions.

SO...what's the problem... it means that ALL the Maths and everything that has been defined as a 'closed system' never had a chance of being right, and it took until 1997 for us to finally see the "Real" High Energy Gamma radiation events to even be able to say anything correct at all about how our universe is working...

In Other know how they/mainstream keps telling people...

The Universe doesn't have to work the way "You Think" it should...

Well, they have been constraining it to work they way they thought it should from the get go...;)

I'll explain more about how and where the E-R Bridges/'space coming 'straight through' SSMBH's into our Universe, if you believe that Black Holes are "Real" (Not mainstreams) and can unsderstand what I have shown so far on Galaxy Evolution. (Yes Einstein even had this without singularities, BUT BAUT mainstreamers do NOT want to even go there!!!)

Ritchie said:

It seems to me that if there were a multiverse and the other universes were "up" or "down" in another dimension from us, that they are either reasonably sparse/far apart or we would see intersections in gravity wells, or just out in spheres in space for no apparent reason where a gravity well from a universe "above" us (away from the direction that all gravity wells go) intersects us.

Ritchie has kinda got the right ides right here!  ;)

And Lee Smolin's "Constant at the Pit of a Black Hole" is just "One Constant"..;)

And, when I show how this will
1, fix the "Horizon Problem" and
2. fix the 10^120 OOM problem with QM and the theorized energy of the Vacuum VS observation.
By RussT Date 2010-03-29 01:14
Azelz7 said:

Ok; so if you don't mind me asking, how exactly would dark galaxies become BCD'S, LSB's, HSB's etc. What chemical/physical processes would take place?

A seemingly simple question...that winds up being verycomplicated, and covers ALL of stellar evolution and "Time" and "here" VS "way over there"!

The simple answer though, goes immediately into the pigeon hole/box of "Conspiracy"...IE: is there a conspiracy amoungst mainstream Astronomers to squelch "ANYthing"/observations that go against Relativity" and the answer is a resounding YES!

As I said, concerning all galaxies "Far" (8, 10, 12, 13 billion light years away), mainstream is "Mandated" to find that all of those galaxies "by definition" are "Young"!

SO too are they "Mandated" to find ALL nearby galaxies to have an 'Underlying older stellar population' and that is just what they have done. ( I agree with mainstream that there is an 'old' population (10-13 billion years old) of globular clusters in the halo (NOT Dark Matter WIMPS!!!) of the Milky Way)

It's called the "TRG" (Tip of The Red Giant stage), where they take a supposed 'deep survey' and find "Red" stars that they assume are the "TRG" and say they are stars that MUST be 1 to 10 billion years old, that 'underlie' ALL of the "Blue Star" new stellar population.

This was purposely done to counteract the Astronomers who were working on showing that there were many galaxies that 'appeared' to be very young...Zwickey 18 being one of the first to show this...

I had numerous links to works of this nature, "Thuan" being the main one (He had several papers on galaxies being NEW IE: less than a billion years old and I can no longer find any of his papers on New Galaxies), BUT also "Mike Disney"...that have ALL been systematically downplayed and cajoled into being against the mainstream (ATM)...which as we know, is NOT a great career move...LOL

Mike Disney is a brave guy though, and I had a great link to his last paper, which was a great survey of LSB HI galaxies, BUT the link to the visual galaxies matching up to the LSB's/HI doesn't work. I have Emailed him twice about it but it is still not fixed :(

Click on the Ghost Galaxy again and spend some time analyzing it thoroughly...the first and foremost thing you should realize is the NOTE is NOT a Dwarf Galaxy...and can see where the "Bar" "Will Be" and it is NOT even Lit up/nuclear yet...This Galaxy NGC 2915 was a Long GRB somewhere around 200,000 to 500,000 thousand years ago! And, the HI in this and all galaxies did NOT collapse to become the shape of a 'very thin', when viewed edge on, disc, with a SMBH at its center. The Magnetic Field of the rotating SMBH, is what made the HI as it was cooling, this shape!!!

Hope this helps some! ;)

AND, yes, this means that the answer to the "Dark Matter"/WIMPS as the DM halo of galaxies is wrong/non-existent...

WIMPS (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles)(CDM) are just "Made up" by mainstream to 'try' to answer the "Rotation Curve" problem of stars in galaxies. Just substitute "Magnetic Field" for "Dark Matter Halo".

AND, once they came up with CDM (Cold Dark Matter/WIMPS) paradigm, as being ~23% of the Universe, with ~4% being baryonic matter, that left 73% of the Universe "Missing".

AND....astonishingly LOL.......they just happened to find that'd they do that.............with a prediction???
By RussT Date 2010-03-30 02:14
I realize that there is quite a lot of info here...

Are you still analyzing this...

OR, did I show something that goes against "Your" core beliefs?

What everyone needs to understand is that this is an "Open System" model and nearly everything is "Opposite" of what mainstream has!

And that the problem is not just the Big Bang "Inside Schwarzschild Solution" of the EFE FLRW 'spherical cow'...

BUT, also the SR "Singularity" that can have two 'observers' separated by "ANY" distance, and have that distance be considered as 0...and dialate between 0 and infinity!!!

By Jade Annand Date 2010-03-30 22:13
Russ's first message there has a lot of interesting stuff. I really liked Mike Disney's paper, myself.

As to SR, Russ is really, really, really hung up on it, not only for comments people have made that "photons experience zero subjective time", but some very odd notions that changing frames does something to some observers but not to others.

That's all I am going to say about it in this thread. If you want to discuss/see Russ's SR conspiracy theories, use this thread here and you can see his ideas developed and responded to.

Please keep that particular topic to that thread. I reserve the right to bonk major SR conspiracy thread hijacks that show up outside of that thread :)
By Eduffy80911 Date 2010-04-01 01:27
If the multiverse theory entails that everything in this universe (including ourselves) also exists in other universe's (and I don't know for sure if it does), then I've gotta say "bunk". I'm only aware of the one me. Even if the other me's are only aware of themselves as well, that makes us each unique and kind of blows the theory.

If it's more like similar systems to ours that exist outside the known universe, and we're all part of a much larger system or systems, I'd say that's plausible, even likely. It just seems intuitive. It's also par for the course for humans to assume that whatever our scope of perception, the neighborhood we're aware of must be the one and only and the first. I think history has shown that default position to be a pretty bad bet.
By RussT Date 2010-04-01 06:15 Edited 2010-04-01 06:47
Yes are definitely on the right track...

If the multiverse theory entails that everything in this universe (including ourselves) also exists in other universe's (and I don't know for sure if it does), then I've gotta say "bunk". I'm only aware of the one me. Even if the other me's are only aware of themselves as well, that makes us each unique and kind of blows the theory.

Yes, this is more or less the Many World view, BUT also includes 'string/"M" theory...that is, that the 'extra dimensions' are "compactified" and permeate ALL 'space' and so would even be inside your body....everywhere at "0" point.

AND, I agree............pure Sci Fi....impossible

Now, ...Neutrinos are going right through 'everything' at "c", or so near to it that we cannot measure that it is not "c"...BUT

Gravity is NOT 'leaking through" that way at all!!!

That is just ALL that mainstream has been left with, because it would be career suicide for "Lisa Randall" or "Lee Smolin" to even suggest that 'anything' was Going Straight Through SMBH's!!!

Eduffy said:

If it's more like similar systems to ours that exist outside the known universe, and we're all part of a much larger system or systems, I'd say that's plausible, even likely. It just seems intuitive. It's also par for the course for humans to assume that whatever our scope of perception, the neighborhood we're aware of must be the one and only and the first. I think history has shown that default position to be a pretty bad bet.

Now, please read this...

Tim Thompson is one of the most knowledgeable on BAUT, and even though he meant this to be 'associated' with String/"M" theory, because it mathamatically includes Relativity...

Think about a 'Constant' (Lee Smolin's "Constant at the Pit of Black Holes" even though he said "stars") coming from "Outside" our Universe, from a Universe that has SMBH's at the cores of their Galaxies, just like our Universe does.

Once you do that, and agree even more that that is a realistic possibility, I will show how I determined two very important things, that combined with Long GRB's are the Birth of New SMBH's and therefore NEW Galaxies, with the ALL the HI/He/Li for each new galaxy to be able to form its first generation stars, and solving the Horizon Problem and the 10^120 OOM problem, tell me that I am definitely on the right track...;) are reading this with 'something'...IE: "Constant", coming 'straight through' (N0 Singularity) SMBH's!

Tim Thompson said:

Will the real universe please stand up?

Note that you are quoting RussT, but the statements you quote were made by me, not him, as he was quoting me in the statements you quoted.

Originally Posted by Tensor
Observations are consistent with only one, so adopted theories should agree with the observation of only one.Adopted theories should be consistent with the fact that we observe only one universe.
Originally Posted by Tensor
Why would you assume an infinite number of universes, if there is only observational evidence for one. You might as well postulate an infinite number of elves holding this universe up. An infinite number of universes (or even one other one) is not consistent with current observations.

Tim Thompson said:

Here I disagree. Any number of universes, including an infinite number, is consistent with current observations, so long as the universes postulated or assumed, remain beyond our observational abilities. The fact that we observe one universe does not constrain us to demand of our theories that they include only one universe, but rather that they include only one observable universe.

Originally Posted by Tensor
It's much easier for me, based on current observations, to understand only one universe, not many. Or are you projecting your ability to understand on everyone?

Tim Thompson said:

Personally, I find multiple universes far easier to understand, and I see that as the direction in which cosmology seems to be inexorably moving. The point is that any theory which includes one and only one universe, has still to explain how & why this universe comes to be in its "fine tuned" state, which allows for us to exist & see it. We are delicate creatures, and it's easy to imagine some small variation on the constants of nature, such that there would be no chance of us, or anything like us, ever existing. It's the old anthropic principle problem.

But, suppose (just suppose) that there is a population of universes, each of which has its own set of fundamental constants, like unto ours. You can create a probability distribution for each of the fundamental constants, based on the frequency of occurance of each value of that constant, in the population of universes. Of course, we can't do that observationally, because we can't see any of the universes. But if we had a theory that explains how universes "bang" into existence, we could use that theory to produce the desired probability distribution. That will in turn explain why our universe is the way it is, without invoking any sense of 'fine tuning', because our universe simply becomes one of the elements in the probability distribution. All you need is a theory which does not make our universe improbable. String theory, for instance, seems to work quite well along those lines.

Originally Posted by Tensor
How is it consistent with observation, if the other universes are not observable? If they are not observable, why not just conclude they aren't there in the first place? And, if they are not observable, how can there be support for assuming the story is true?

Tim Thompson said:

Well, theories are never true, they are only consistent. Consistency only means that the theory should not predict that we will see something, that in fact we do not see. A theory which "predicts" a zillion unobservable universes is certainly not inconsistent with the fact that we observe only one universe, because that's all we are supposed to observe, in the theory, anyway. Such a theory is consistent with observation.

Tim said
Remember my quote from Hawking:

[quote from Hawking]
I take the positivist viewpoint that a physical theory is just a mathematical model and that it is meaningless to ask whether it corresponds to reality. All that one can ask is that its predictions should be in agreement with observations.</div>

Tim Thompson said:

The part about "predictions in agreement with observation" is the simple statement of consistency. You are assuming that the fact of only one observable universe, means that there cannot be any other universe(s), but I consider that an unwarranted assumption. It certainly does not preclude the existence of an infinite number of unobservable universes. Consistency is maintained, theory & observation agree.

But there is one more point. It is not true that there is no evidence for multiple universes. Dark matter & dark energy are not observed, but are rather assumed to exist, as a consequence of observation. But how do we know that dark matter & dark energy are the most suitable interpretations? What if the other universes are not so "unobservable" after all? What if we have misinterpreted the observations, and the force we interpret as "dark matter" is really gravity leaking out of the other universes, and into ours?

I can readily imagine a multi-universe theory, which includes such an effect, and therefore is not simply "consistent" with observation, but actually predicts the observed effects we call dark matter & dark energy, as consequences of the communication of information between universes.

I'm not here to make a case one way or the other, but I am here to make the case that observation should constrain theories, but not imaginations. And one should not be overly impressed by the concept of "truth", or even of "reality", as it applies to a scientific theory. The one and only constraint that should apply to science at all levels is consistency. Nothing else matters.

My Bolding in this last quote.
By Eduffy80911 Date 2010-04-02 00:47
Very nice Azelx. One could say that a set of data, not yet observed, can be in any possible combination. The manner in which they combine is determined by an observer or intersecting data stream. The manner in which the data is set is dependent on the manner in which the observation or intersection occurs (location, angle, velocity).

I can think of the practical reason, if not the mechanics. When two data streams intersect or "observe" one another, the data carried away in each stream must be consistent in each stream. The other possibilities have been ruled out. Otherwise, data within the system would be meaningless, since your observation would only give you one of millions of possibilities as an answer, which is not very useful. If your data stream were to return to that place, unless the other possibilities remained ruled out, you could have a very different reality than what you observed before. We can't have that. It would ruin the consistency of the overall operating system.

So you have a universe of possibilities, that are "hardened" through observation. Which means that anything that is not absolutely impossible, can't be ruled out until observation proves otherwise.

If this were indeed the case, it would be useful to study new discoveries that have had positive outcomes, whether personal or in the field of science. See if there are similarities in the manner of approach to the discovery. The idea being to see if there might be some applicable mechanics one could employ to increase the probability of a desired outcome, among a wide variety of possibilities.
By Eduffy80911 Date 2010-04-02 01:26
Interesting point, if you entertain the above hypothesis for a minute - When you apply quantum mechanics, your observation and the manner in which you approached or set it up, may put some data in the awkward position of having to be in two different arrangements at the same time. You might actually be exploiting a bug in the system.
By RussT Date 2010-04-02 11:00 Edited 2010-04-02 11:03
Eduffy said:

If it's more like similar systems to ours that exist outside the known universe, and we're all part of a much larger system or systems, I'd say that's plausible, even likely. It just seems intuitive.

So what happened to your "Intuition" and Tim Thompson's elegant confirmation on your thinking???

If there are Universe levels above and below Our Universe, and it can certainly be easily rationalized that those Universes' would have galaxies too with SMBH's at their cores.

If "Space" is coming through the SMBH's in the Universe "Above" ours, to US IE; in the Huge Voids between the galaxy clusters...that would be an Einstein-Rosen Bridge., where each of our Voids is hooked to a SMBH in the Universe Above.....then 'Space' is also going 'Down' to the Universe Below ours, through Our SMBH's event horizons.

That IS the "Steady State"...Time and Space are just flowing right through..;)

That means that there is NO T=0 or T=10 ^-43/35 etc etc

That means there are NO expanding or contracting Horizons. Cosmic Censorship!

There was NO Big Bang...naked singularity solved...;)
By Eduffy80911 Date 2010-04-03 22:00
Keep in mind the potential for much different size scales and relative velocities in a much larger (or smaller) universe, in which our "universe" is just a part. Fourteen billion years is a very long time for us. It could be just a moment from the perspective of a much larger scale universe. This would make a larger scale universe very difficult for us to detect, since nothing about it would change significantly during our lifetimes or perhaps the lifespan of the species even.

I don't like the terminology of a "universe above", "parallel universes" or a "universe below", because in reality, it would all be one universe. They'd all interact with each other, even if the interaction is not immediately perceptible.
By Eduffy80911 Date 2010-04-03 23:29
But, the only way to prove the existence of another level or a parallel universe is to observe something of it. Observation is interaction. If they exist and are indeed causally disconnected, they are by definition, irrellevant.
By RussT Date 2010-04-04 02:49 Edited 2010-04-04 07:41 guys are not getting this...

First....parallel universe(s) is basically the same as Many World...this means that both are basically saying that 'other universes' are causally connected, BUT at the 'compactified "Point" particle level and at 'every point' in the universe, that we can never see or measure in any way! (Like what is happening on the show "Fringe" is Total SciFy.............

and like I said earlier in this is the "ONLY" thing that "Relativity" and the EFE FLRW 'inside Schwarzschild solution' of an expanding/contracting Naked Singularity + Inflation has left available to theorists

Now............IFFFFFFFFFFFFFF the Big Bang + Inflation never happened....
(Inflation was designed to fix the flatness problem AND the horizon problem...BUT it did NOT fix the horizon problem, because the CMB from both far sides of the Hubble Radius cannot have communicated the 'same heat equation of state' to within 1 part in 10,000/100,000?)

AND......the creation of electrons/protons/neutrons "Really" does happen when a new SMBH is forming, to start a New Galaxy (90% of all galaxies are LSB's)...

The there was NO expanding Universe of hot other words...

The Universe has NEVER been in danger of "Collapsing in on itself" and Einsteins Biggest Blunder (Lambda) was getting everyone to think of the Universe as one Spherical Entity!!!

AND...Ritchie does NOT want me to go into SR here, BUT SR (Minkowski) made the Universe 4D, BEFORE LeMaitre/Freedmann ever got to the EFE Schwarzschild Point Atom/Singularity. The Universe is 3D...Time is NOT a 4th spaciall dimension!!! more later.

Relativity thinks it is covering EVERY possibility of what the Universe, as a 'closed system', can be when it says the 'system' can either be "Static" (Einsteins orginal Lambda...pure spherical static system) or Open or closed...IE density at, below, or over Unity.

NONE of that even has ever had the possibility of existing!!!

It is ALL based on Singularities...and ALL singularities are "Division by 0", where definitions have been accepted at 0 that do NOT even exist...

Which is why...if you watched the program last week..."Seeing Black Holes"...where Michio Kaku went through a series of calculations and came up with "Infinity" + "Infinity" + "Infinity", where he said this is a total disaster for Theoretical Physicists....he was is.

and this I have shown many times on BAUT, and it is either ignored or waved off...

I understand it completely!!!

"The universe is not a fractal," Hogg insists, "and if it were a fractal it would create many more problems that we currently have." A universe patterned by fractals would throw all of cosmology out the window. Einstein's cosmic equations would be tossed first, with the big bang and the expansion of the universe following closely behind.

Hogg's team feel that until there's a theory to explain why the galaxy clustering is fractal, there's no point in taking it seriously. "My view is that there's no reason to even contemplate a fractal structure for the universe until there is a physical fractal model," says Hogg. "Until there's an inhomogeneous fractal model to test, it's like tilting at windmills."

Pietronero is equally insistent. "This is fact," he says. "It's not a theory." He says he is interested only in what he sees in the data and argues that the galaxies are fractal regardless of whether someone can explain why.

Now...what is 'Coming Through' the SMBH's IS the Steady State....of how the "Energy that our Universe uses" gets here...

AND, when you understand that what is coming through is...

"The Observed"

Neutrinos, that are the CMB photons, at 2.73K and that that IS the Zero Point Energy, and is ALL of Space, traveling at "c", in vacua, in all/every direction, homogenously and isotropically...that is the 'smooth background' 'ZPE electric/energy field', that...

When you have a Rotating SMBH creates a very strong Magnetic Field that Rotates HI into...

And stars Rotate their Planets via the Ecliptic magnetic field.

AND, Hogg was exactly right above...Einstein and Newton were both off track by relating everything to "Gravity" and a "Closed System"...which automatically means that ALL the Maths, with ALL of the "Singularities" is absolutely useless/meaningless!


Now, here is how I know I'm right...

I am the ONLY person on the planet that is saying that Long GRB's are New Massive Black Holes being "Born".

SO, that is a "Real" observation of "The High Energy Gamma Radiation" creating the New electrons/protons/Neutrons that once cooled will become the HI fpr each galaxy, one at a time.

Mainstea, was Dead Wrong for 35+ years that GRBs HAD TO BE "In our Galaxy"!!!

Mainstream has absolutely NO CLUE as to 'when a SMBH becomes part of a galaxies life'!!!

Quasars, with SMBH's in the Billions of Sol masses CANNOT be New Galaxies!!! They are just like M87's!!!

And...the CMB is "Observed to be 2.73K" and coming from ALL is exactly what is observed!!!
(And NOT the hypothetical near infinite energy Plasma Ball, cooling upon expansion of Big Bang enthusiasts)

SO, by me saying it is coming from SMBH's in that other Universe, into our Voids, between the galaxy clusters, that solves both the Horizon Problem,,,IE there are Voids at both ends of the supposed Visible Universe Hubble radius...

And the 10^120 OOM problem....there are NO Virtual Particles popping in and out of existence!!!
By Eduffy80911 Date 2010-04-04 04:42
Az, there's no point in working out math for systems premised on them being causally isolated, then waiting for observation later. Once observation takes place, they are causally connected and all the math goes out the window. If they are never to be observed, I could write the math and nobody could ever contest it.

Russ, I think I agree, based on absolutely no research on my part, that our "universe" does not and never has existed in isolation. For one thing, it's too convenient. For another, it makes no logical sense. The Big Bang Theory contends that the "pre-bang" universe was in a stable state, then it wasn't. Something changed. If something changed, something caused it to change; something other than the stable mass itself. There can't be "external conditions" if there is no "external" for their to be conditions in that might vary.

My unprofessional guess is that, if such a bang occurred, it would be due to the stable mass encountering a new environment, which means the mass and said environment were in motion relative to each other, which means time already existed. I think most people don't like that notion because that raises questions about the nature of a larger environment we have no clue about.
By RussT Date 2010-04-04 11:16
Azelx7 said:

Certain multiverse theories don't have a chance for observation; they have no free parameters by definition. Depending on how exactly you define scientific theories and their models, you could argue that a large portion of multiverse cosmology is more philosophical than scientific in nature.

Yes. and those would be the 'compactified dimensional' ones I descibed.

Azelx7 said:

The important questions are (1) whether there is a chance for scientific observation and (2) if meaningful predictions can be made based on those observations.

Yes, and that is exactly what I showed with 'what is coming through' the SMBH's.

When baryonic matter goes into black holes, it gets 'spaghettified' and all the baryonic's, if you will, get stripped away, leaving the 'Base Particle'...The Neutrino's.

Which brings up another mainstream point I have Never considered Valid!!!

That photons are "Born" traveling at "c", 186,282.397 mps.

There HAS to be 'something' that is carrying the photons energy from Gamma, Xray, UV, visible, all the way down to the CMB.

The Neutrinos are the ONLY candidate for the Aether, which I am saying is coming 'Through the SMBH's', and is ALL of Space.

The Big Bang starts with 'space' as nothing, and so QM is totally guessing at what the base particle is....there are NO gluons, pions, kaons, and a whole lot of others that we can get into once you get what I am showing.

Eduffy is is all about "cause and Effect'....that is what science figures plate techtonics, and subduction, BUT this/cosmology is way more difficult.

What I am showing here is Tantamount to "plate techtonics, and subduction"

Please read Tim Thompsons quotes again, and understand what I am showing about solving the Horizon Problem (Yeah, they don't exist) and the 10^120 OOM problem of theory over observation.

Ritchie/Ari do you guys see how that is working now?
By Eduffy80911 Date 2010-04-05 03:06 Edited 2010-04-05 04:54
I think rather than a multiverse view, mine would more accurately be labeled a biggerverse view. I don't believe in "empty space". It may work in math, but in reality, space is defined by its contents, whether you can perceive them or not. How long does it take to traverse nothing? How can there be a velocity of anything traveling through nothing? What is distance if there is nothing between point a and point b? Where there is space, there is something filling it.

The logical conclusion, from my simple mind, is that there is, in fact, an aether or medium we have not yet perceived or acknowledged. Further, gravity is likely the result of varying pressure throughout the medium (caused by its contents, similar to atmospheric dynamics).

However, in order for the system to remain dynamic, something has to be upsetting it from time to time, or it would simply reach an equilibrium state over time. That suggests outside influences.

No formulas, no citations, no links, just common sense.

a note on the Thompson quotes; While he's technically correct that a theory involving other universes that cannot be observed is consistent with observation so long as we never observe another one (since the theory says they're unobservable), I could theorize that somewhere beneath the surface of Pluto lies 4.5 lbs of cheddar cheese and my theory would be just as consistent until someone surveyed the entire planet (or whatever we're calling it these days) and proved me wrong.

I don't have a problem with the universe having turned out as it has. He suggests this outcome is unlikely, and therefore necessitates infinite universes covering all the possibilities. Any outcome may be unlikely, but all he's really saying is that if things were different, they wouldn't be the same.  That doesn't necessitate anything.

As for conspiracies, I don't think there's anything sinister about what I'd consider bogus mainstream views being perpetuated. It's just a lot of people who genuinely want the truth to be what they've already decided it is. When observation doesn't match prediction, they allow themselves to conjure up more and more bizarre assumptions about things that have not been observed to fix the predictions. As the "fixes" get more and more absurd, they'll either have to face the fact that the premise was wrong, or they'll simply be ignored by a new generation of curious minds that have no emotional attachment to any particular scenario, just a desire to know the truth.
By RussT Date 2010-04-05 08:11 Edited 2010-04-05 08:14
Eduffy said:

a note on the Thompson quotes; While he's technically correct that a theory involving other universes that cannot be observed is consistent with observation so long as we never observe another one (since the theory says they're unobservable),

BUT, that is NOT we he said...

Tim Thompson said:

What if the other universes are not so "unobservable" after all? What if we have misinterpreted the observations, and the force we interpret as "dark matter"/Dark Energy is really gravity leaking out of the other universes, and into ours?

I can readily imagine a multi-universe theory, which includes such an effect, and therefore is not simply "consistent" with observation, but actually predicts the observed effects we call dark matter & dark energy, as consequences of the communication of information between universes.

Now....he is 'assuming' (based on Lisa Randall's "Gravity Leaking" premise), that it is "Gravity" that is Leaking, AND that it is "leaking" through the Compactified String dimensions...

BUT I am showing that it is "leaking"....coming straight through the SMBH's from that 'Other Universe' IE: Einstein-Rosen Bridges, with NO singularity in its depths!!! IE; No space and Time "Flipping" and NO negative/repulsive sign...Just "Space" and Time flowing straight through to Our Universe.

And, that it is Neutrinos, as a ZPEnergy Field, that when something massive is rotating in that field, that it creates a Magnetic field that causes Ecliptic Magnetic Fields/accretion discs.

Here is the real problem though....

You ALL are still thinking of the Universe as a "Spherical Entity"

Ritchie....even when you say that the universe could be 20 Billion + years are still thinking of a Spherical 20 Billion light years....

That is Wrong!!!

IF the Naked Singularity did NOT exist, then NEITHER do the expanding ior contracting definition, it is the singularity that IS supposed to be expanding!!!

SO, there is NO 'Empty Space" outside those Horizons....the Horizons do NOT even exist.

As far as we can see, there are Voids Between Galaxy Clusters, and the farther we could see, that would be the same on and on and on and on.

Science/We cannot determine, by any 'observation', any edge OR center of the Universe!

Eduffy said:

I think rather than a multiverse view, mine would more accurately be labeled a biggerverse view. I don't believe in "empty space".

See. Eduffy....I can tell you are thinking in terms of a "Spherical Universe" by that statement...

There was NO Horizon of 'The last Scattering", where those photons have been "Stretched" to nearly infinite 'redshift'

The CMBR is "Exactly what we see/detect"/"Observe" Microwave photons of 2.73K which is the ZPE Field traveling in ALL directions at "c", or so nearly so, that we cannot detect/measure the difference, coming through the different environments that all the EM radiation/Neutrino photons travel through, that causes different reactions for the different absorptions of gamma, Xray, UV etc.

Their early 1900's "assumption"/Wild Speculation!!! was that IF sound is affected by a 'medium', that light must also be affected similarly (Even though they deny an Aether at all costs!), and the "Other Doppler shift" was accepted as "Gold".

SO, that "Really Is "two" of "MY" Observations that are "Real"....

1. The High Energy Gamma Radiation when SMBH's are created, thus creating the electrons/protons to male the HI for the New Galaxy created...
2. The "Observed" Microwave 2.73 photons/which I am saying are neutrinos....NOT the "Theory that they started out as Gamma and cooled to 3000K as the universe supposedly expanded 58 times the speed of light in the first 380,000 years!!!

The ONLY Horizons that exist out there in "Space", are the Horizons of the Voids, that are the "Other End" of the SMBH's in that Other Universe, which sends us OUR Space. Each one of OUR Voids is Hooked to a Galaxy's SMBH....and when Matter goes into that SMBH, it gets Spaghettified...down to neutrinos, and comes through to US....

AS Matter goes down our SMBH's, it gets Spaghettified, into Neutrinos, and goes down to the Universe below OURS, giving them their "Space".

So, there 'could be' an infinite number of universes levels both above and below ours, BUT we can never surmise anything about those, because there is no connection with our universe to those....only the one above, where we can see the CMBR 2.73K photons coming from ALL directions...The Communication between Universes that TIM was getting at!!!

Which is the same thing that Lee Smolin is Hinting at with his "Constant at the Pit of Black Holes"
By Eduffy80911 Date 2010-04-05 17:59 Edited 2010-04-06 00:31
I don't know why you assume I envision a spherical universe, but no matter.
I guess Mr. Thompson made the case for both observable and unobservable, not advocating either one.

But, in merging your view into something I can get my head around that sounds plausible to me:

I'll just refer to our universe as an "environment". Stuff from outside our environment encounters our environment, and due to the nature of each, the stuff encounters resistance as it attempts to pass through. This facilitates the formation of electrons, protons, and all the stuff we see in our environment. Stuff created in this manner eventually encounters another black hole, where it is reduced to lowest terms as it exits.

The conservation of energy within our environment is just a result of the flow rate being constant. That doesn't necessarily mean it needs to be. It just means that it has been and is, for now.

Perhaps the "axis of evil" is evidence of flow?

The environment the stuff comes in from may be the same as the one it exits to, or they may be different. All we can observe for now is the entry and exit.
By RussT Date 2010-04-06 11:04
I'll try to make this as simple as really is once you understand it.
Eduffy said:

I'll just refer to our universe as an "environment". Stuff from outside our environment encounters our environment, and due to the nature of each, the stuff encounters resistance as it attempts to pass through.

No, sorry....NO resistance coming through the Throat of SMBH"s...from the other Universe to ours. Every Void, Between the Galaxy Clusters, is where the Neutrinos are coming to US, to give US our Space.

They are Neutrinos....Kazillions (actually ALL of "Space" is Neutrinos coming through Black Holes) of Neutrinos are going right through the Earth (actually going through "Everything") and your whole body...Brain and all, in ALL/Every direction every nano second of every day since our solar system was created. Non-collisionally!

Eduffy said:

This facilitates the formation of electrons, protons, and all the stuff we see in our environment.

Nope, sorry again

You have to go back to the part in this thread where I showed that the 'Birth Cry' of NEW SMBH's is the Long GRB's Gamma Radiation Bursts's, when the Event Horizon is forming, is where the electrons protons etc are created, that once cooled (Afterglow fades away) becomes the HI/He to be able to have the first generation of stars for that galaxy form. Those first gen stars are making the Oxygen/Carbon etc, and then the Nova and Super Nova, make the heavier elements of Plutonium/Radium etc

These Long GRB's are occuring in "Empty Space", out near the edges of those Voids, and then the New galaxy begins its journey toward the center of its perspective cluster.

Eduffy said:

Stuff created in this manner eventually encounters another black hole, where it is reduced to lowest terms as it exits

Yes, this is Baryonic Matter goes into "Our" SMBH's, it gets spaghetified, and exits to the Universe below as Neutrinos, to give that Universe its Space.

See if this helps. It might be better to ask me questions about how it is working rather than to guess at stuff...just a thought.

But lets get this part down first, and then I can address stuff like conservation of energy.
By Eduffy80911 Date 2010-04-08 03:43 Edited 2010-04-08 04:08
Russ "the 'Birth Cry' of NEW SMBH's is the Long GRB's Gamma Radiation Bursts's, when the Event Horizon is forming, is where the electrons protons etc are created, that once cooled (Afterglow fades away) becomes the HI/He"

Doesn't that look like some kind of resistance? If not, where's the "afterglow" and the "birth cry" coming from?

Otherwise, you have these neutrinos coming in (to what? empty space?) encountering zero resistance and changing for no reason (or the neutrinos are causing a change is something else, i.e. the production of GRB's, again, from what?). You have an effect with no cause. If some kind of change occurs, whether it be a birthcry or anything else, there has to be a reason for it. The environment changed. That necessitates an environment. No empty space allowed in a reality where things change.
By RussT Date 2010-04-08 11:32
What is causing the Long GRB...Highest Energy (Tev/Pev?) Gamma Radiation
"Burst" of >2 second to 500 seconds, IS the SMBH forming.
(>2 seconds to 100 second Long GRB's are MBH's forming and are Dwarf Galaxies forming, and 120 second to 500 seconds are SMBH, and are Regualr Spiral Galxies forming) 10 (Dwarfs) to 1 (Spiral) ratio.

               GRB                                                              GRB                                                     
10s     02 07 15 dwarfs                    150s        01 06 13 galaxy               
20s     02 07 14                               30s         01 06 12                        
150s   02 07 08 galaxy                      25s         010326                             
20s     02 07 06                               40s         010220                             
10s     02 06 04                                     30s         01 02 13
25s     02 05 25                                     10s         01 01 26
10s     02 04 13                                       5s         01 01 15
40s     02 04 05                                       8s         01 01 09
20s     02 03 31                                     10s         01 01 03
80s     01 12 12                                       8s         00 12 19
30s     01 10 19                                     30s         00 11 05
12s     01 09 21                                     15s         00 10 25
8s       01 07 28                                     10s         00 10 19
10s     00 10 17                                     375s       00 10 07 galaxy
5s      00 10 05                                         7s       00 10 04

That's as hood as I can make that chart.
Every time I have check though, I have always got the 10 to 1 ratio

What causes those Massive Black Holes (MBH's)(For Dwarf galaxies) and Super Massive Black Holes (SMBH's) (For Regular Spiral Galxies) to form is and will be the "Biggest mystery" to solve, BUT, we will finally be on the "Right Track" to being able to scientifically understand how our universe is working.

Starting from that premise, has allowed me to understand how to eliminate ALL the GR "Singularities" IE:(0's and Infinities) that Plague Relativity...In fact, Relativity is absolutely wrong...or more correctly "non-existent" because it starts from those Singularities...IE "world lines" starting (For the BB) and ending at the Singularity (In Black Holes). BUT the SR one means it is absolutely "Non-existent" also...Unfortunately :(

All the Huge Voids, between the Galaxy Clusters, are like Funnels coming into "Our Universe", and coming through those Funnels is "SPACE".

Those "Funnels" are orientated in ALL different directions, so ALL the Neutrinos coming through wind up "Filling Up" ALL of OUR Universes 3D Space.

ALL those Neutrinos are going in every/all directions at "c"...

ALL those lowest base level particles>>>Neutrinos have a temp of 2.73K and all of those Neutrinos are the ZPE Field.

When a New GRB goes BOOMMMMMMMM, that is 'somehow' the ZPE field Neutrinos, which are their own particle/antiparticle, Forming The New SMBH/MBH and those lowest level Neutrinos are transformed into Electrons/Positons, which then through the strong force are fused into "Protons" and Neutrons.

SO there is NO resistance for Neutrinos anywhere...they virtually go though everything.

We see the High Energy Gamma radiation...the Long GRB's starting a New Galxies Life.

What this Boils down to is.

Black Holes Continually give us ALL of our Space (Coming through ALL the Voids...The Staedy State) and then...New Galaxies are Continuously/perpetually Forming.
By Eduffy80911 Date 2010-04-08 14:25 Edited 2010-04-08 14:45
I'm not trying to challenge your whole theory (I couldn't if I wanted to). You may indeed be "on the right track", but there are some areas that need work.

If the GRB goes booooommmm, there has to be some reason for it. If neutrinos are "filling our space" there has to be space to fill. Said space being different from the space the neutrinos are coming from could provide a reason for the boom.

electrons and protons forming as they cool. If the space were truly empty, what are they losing heat to? If heat is being transferred, it has to have a vehicle to leave in. It can't just leave on its own. Again, this implies an interaction with something that's already here, and could provide a cause for the effect.

The neutrinos may be creating space by virtue of some new configuration or concentration, I suppose, like putting helium into a balloon, which raises the question; What's the balloon? But, that could be a question for another time.

Overall point being, if something is in one state, then changes to something else, something caused it to change; it interacted with something.

I like the flow through aspect, but you have a bit of magic going on too. I don't like magic. I'm not saying you should work it all out and come up with an indisputable theory of everything, but if there's a bit you haven't worked out, acknowledge it so others know what to work on.
By RussT Date 2010-04-09 08:06
Eduffy said:

I'm not trying to challenge your whole theory (I couldn't if I wanted to). You may indeed be "on the right track", but there are some areas that need work.

There IS a whole lot to work on!...see below.

Eduffy said:

I like the flow through aspect, but you have a bit of magic going on too. I don't like magic. I'm not saying you should work it all out and come up with an indisputable theory of everything, but if there's a bit you haven't worked out, acknowledge it so others know what to work on.

Eduffy said:

I like the flow through aspect, but you have a bit of magic going on too.

Yes, The Continuous "Flow" IS the Steady State...but, there is NO Magic...It's "Spaghettification" of all baryonic Matter that goes into Black Holes, comes out the 'other end' as Non-baryonic Dark Matter...Neutrinos traveling in ALL/Every direction at "c"...(WIMPS/CDM does NOT even exist!!!)

Eduffy said:

If the GRB goes booooommmm, there has to be some reason for it.

Yes, there is a very specific reason...cause/effect for the Highest Energy (TeV/PeV) Gamma Radation Burst...the New MBH/SMBH's event horzon is forming. BUT, when I say that that is happening in "Empty space"....that is to get you/people to understand that those Long GRB's are NOT going Boommmmmmmmmm in "Galaxies" and that they are NOT "HyperNova Stars" going Boooooommmmm!!!

Long GRB's are New Galaxies being Born.
Eduffy said:

electrons and protons forming as they cool.

NO, sorry again, just don't understand enough of this to really be able to comprehend what I am showing.

When the Initial process of the High Energy Gamma radiation starts, this is more or less just like Big Bang Nucleosynthesis...BUT, the BB does start from "Nothing".

Starting from the perspective of "Space is Totally Filled" with Neutrinos is the NEW QM starting premise and means that ALL of physics needs to be redone, from first principles!!!

The Electrons/Positrons are formed during the Gamma Radiation process, with the Protons being formed during the Xray Process, which occurs for a much longer time scale...THEN the Afterglow begins fading/cooling and after approximately 300,000 years, according to the Big Bang, then the HI can form. Now, I don't think the cooling process takes that long here, because there is NOT a whole Universe of 'expanding HI that started off as nearly "Infinitely Hot" that needs to cool.

Starting from this "All of Space is Neutrinos" coming through ALL of the Voids (The Other End of SMBH's) and THEN...Long GRB's being the Birth Cry's of New Galaxies is the ONLY way to solve the Anti Matter problem...

Neutrinos are the lowest 'charged' particles and are the ZPE at 2.73K, that when the MBH is forming causes those Neutrinos (which are their own particle/anti-particle, which means that 1/2 are spinning left, and the other half are spinning right)  to become Electrons/Positrons, which in turn makes the Protons...

Which, If I am correct here, would be made of 918 electrons and 918 positrons = 1836 times the size of the electron....BUT, that leaves a problem with the Neutrons that I cannot figure out!!!

Anyway, QM is the MOST out of control because there is NOTHING "REAL" to constrain it!!!

There are NO 'gluons' kaons' 'pions' 'quarks' (up, down, strange, charmed or Sideways)...NO Virtual Particles or Virtual Photons, OR virtual particles popping in and out of existence (10^120 OOM Problem)....period!
By Eduffy80911 Date 2010-04-09 23:26 Edited 2010-04-09 23:50
You're right in that the specifics are beyond my education, which is why I'm trying to stick to the general. I'll blow by the one as I guess I'm not expressing myself clearly, and it's not a deal killer.

I'd like your thoughts on this however, regarding gluons, and other sub-sub atomic critters. It came to me when I saw the strange cloud formation that occurs sometimes around jets crossing the sound barrier.

You'd have to accept the premise for a moment that an aether (whether it's all neutrinos, or not) exits. These sub-sub atomic entities might simply be analagous of "cloud" formations within the aether, caused by temporary, very localized relative pressure changes in the aether, that would occur, say when you smash a couple of protons together. Then the "cloud" quickly dissipates as the pressure normalizes. The type of sub-sub atomic particle created would depend on the specific conditions created during the event (much like cumulous, nimbus and other types of cloud formations which are just variations on a theme.)
So they aren't really particles, just expressions of local conditions for a very short time.

By Eduffy80911 Date 2010-04-10 14:15 Edited 2010-04-10 14:37
just for the record, the "magic" I was referring to is the gamma ray burst. If nothing is happening to the neutrinos and they're not interacting with anything, where are the gamma rays coming from? What, specifically is decaying at the event horizon? Maybe you left out a bit, but it seems as though the gamma radiation is just "popping into existence".

...or is the gamma radiation coming through the "funnel" along with the neutrinos?
By RussT Date 2010-04-12 05:01
I lost a fairly long post the other night when I replied to Azelx7's request to take this to a PM...when I hit post, it said that the parent statement didn't exist...which means that Azel deleted his post while I was replying to it...I was NOT happy.

I will try to reproduce some of that here...BUT, your two questions here are actually legit.

Eduffy said:

...or is the gamma radiation coming through the "funnel" along with the neutrinos?

First, this one...NO...the High Energy Gamma Radiation is NOT 'coming through' the SMBH's (In the other universe) throat to the Voids (The Voids are "White Holes") in Our Universe!

The "Lowest energy" particles....the CMB photon particles at 2.73K are what is 'coming through'....those CMB particles are the ZPE Field and are Neutrinos that are traveling at "c" in ALL/every direction Non-collisionally.

Neutrinos are going right through your body (and the whole earth/sun/everything) in ALL/Every direction and are doing so Non-collisionally...IE: they do not even hit any of your proton/neutron nuclei...they go right through

Eduffy said:

just for the record, the "magic" I was referring to is the gamma ray burst. If nothing is happening to the neutrinos and they're not interacting with anything, where are the gamma rays coming from? What, specifically is decaying at the event horizon? Maybe you left out a bit, but it seems as though the gamma radiation is just "popping into existence".

Okay, Yes, something is happening to all the Neutrinos as the Event Horizon of the New SMBH is forming...

I have never been a proponent of EU (Electric Universe) OR PU (Plasma Universe)...BUT...once I figured out that the Neutrinos were what was actually 'coming through' and that the Neutrinos were 'carrying' the CMB energy...or more correctly. were the CMB photon particles, and that that was the ZPE field, I finally came to the realization that "Gravity" was NOT what was holding the stars in their orbits, BUT that the CMB ZPE Field (Which is ALL of Space being Neutrinos traveling in all/every direction at "c") was allowing the SMBH's in the cores of galaxies to generate a huge Magnetic Field, and that that was the answer to the Rotation Curves for spiral galaxies, and therefore the same thing applies to the Sun holding the Planets in their orbits.

SO, this is exactly what all the Alternative Theories have been fighting against...

In other words...there is NO WIMP Dark Matter, NO Dark Energy for accelerated expansion, NO expanding Vaccuum Energy, NO 13.7 billion year old Horizons, NO 'Stretched Photons'....the Universe is MUCH older!!!

So..."Somehow", that ZPE Field is causing Neutrinos coming from opposite directions to each other, traveling at "c" to "Crash" into each other causing a collapse causing a New SMBH to form.

That New SMBH is NOT spherical in shape (The only reason they think that is their very Naive, and frankly stupid stance of NOT admitting to anything being falsified!!! and because the Schwarzschild Maths are soooooo much easier...There IS NO Schwarzschild solution that applies to anything in our Universe!!!), BUT rather is a 'cylindrical shaped' object with Two Event horizons, one at both ends of the cylinder.

If you look at any spiral galaxy,,,when you are looking down the throat of a M51, IF you go around to the other side of the galaxy, you will see the same thing...another event horizon, at the 'other end' of the cylinder, that is held together by an accretion disc that is the length of the cylinder.

In 100 years of all the Big Wigs working on this, they have never even figured this out...which is another reason I do NOT trust their Maths...they have been starting everything off from Very Wrong "assumptions" from the very beginning.

BUT, this only makes sense, since they/Newton and Einstein (Schroedinger and Maxwell), did NOT even know about SMBH"s/Huge Voids between galaxy clusters, OR Neutrinos!!!

SO, what this boils down to is this...

Einstein was right about one thing and one thing ONLY

1. E-R Bridges betwen Universes are "Real". Einstein and Rosen came up with this 1934 and the last 20 years of Einsteins life he was trying to prove his own theory wrong, AND trying to come to terms with "Gravity" fields VS "Magnetic" fields.
2. Hoyle was correct that "Mini Bangs" were/are New Galaxies being created.
3. Alfven/Tesla was/are correct that "Magnetic" fields were/are responsible for the orbits of Planets around stars and ultimately that the SMBH's at the centers of galaxies are responsible for holding the stars in their orbits in galaxies.

That means that NONE of the Maths are correct as to how "Nature" is working in our Universe(s), and that the "Singualrities" that Relativity is built on are the "Spaghetti Monsters" and that 4D for Relativity and 2D for Newton have both been wrong all along, and that everything needs to be redone and done correctly in 3D.
By Eduffy80911 Date 2010-04-15 00:25
okay, here's another off the wall one for you. I tend to believe that when you get down to lowest terms, the universe is mechanical in nature, including magnetic fields. What do you think of the idea that a magnetic line of force is just concentrated neutrino flow.
By RussT Date 2010-04-16 11:00 Edited 2010-04-16 11:03
I have been thinking long and hard on how to answer this...

The simple answer is No...the idea that a magnetic line of force is just concentrated neutrino flow.

The Neutrinos are not 'concentrated'...they are completely isotropic.

They make up ALL of 'space', and travel in every/all directions at "c", Non-collisionally.

Neutrinos travel at "c" in Straight line motion.

I am not going to google for Pics right now, BUT you can see this in many many pics with sunlight coming through clouds OR rays of light in forests/jungles.

You can also see this easily right in your own home. If you have a nightlight (LED or one of those plug in odor ones) in your bathroom and wear glasses or just squint, sit on your toilet and keep looking at that light until you see streaks/rays. Squint and make those rays as long as you can, and then cock/turn your head and watch those rays swivel. That is the light being carried by the neutrinos in all those directions.

At first those rays will look like they are flat against the wall, but with practice you can see them coming at different angles to your glasses/eyes, and how perfectly straight those lines are.

There is more to this story too, including the Shapiro Effect and the two-slit experiment...and this is just how the neutrinos are relating to visible light, and doesn't include what is happening to the Higher/highest energy Photons or the lowest energy photons and radio signals.

It also does NOT include how the fully isotropic Zero Point Energy field,which is the Microwave Background IS hooked to and creates the Magnetic Field, that is the Solar systems Ecliptic and extends past the Heliopause and what ultimately brings Haley's Comet back into the solar system.

And the Cylindrical SMBH with 2 event horizons, when looking down the throat from either side of a galaxy, creates the Galactic Ecliptic, which is VERY thin when a galaxy is very young and as the galaxy grows in age and metalicity, the core gets bigger, the disc gets thicker (as the accretion disc grows), and gradually, the Bulge begins to get more and more Globulars clusters, on its way to becoming a Seyfert I and II AGN, and then to an Elliptical galaxy.

BUT, I agree with mainstream on this...

Now, believe it or not, I am mostly in the Mainstream camp with all of this.

I agree that...

1. That there is a SMBH rather than any type of Central Massive Object.
2. That once anything goes into the Event Horizon of a Black Hole, it cannot come back out that event horizon
3. Those "Jets" are coming from the Accretion Disc, and NOT from inside the event horizon of the SMBH.
4. That although those "Jets" 'may' be producing a small amount of "New" electrons/positrons, I do NOT think that they are producing "Protons". So those "jets" are Not producing "New Galaxies".

Neutrinos go "Right Through" everything without colliding with themselves or any nuclei in your body!
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