Sorry, been one of those weeks.
Putting this paper together and whenever I try to transfer the graphs from the graph program to Word the bottom half is missing. See new thread.
But Lyndon...your statement did NOT even answer one of those questions!
In your model, was the Universe ever smaller in the past?
If so, how small was it at its smallest?
IF it wasn't smaller in the past, then WHY would the electron density be "More Dense" the farther away from Earth you are???
and, in your statement, yes you would still be 'special', as you would be in Einsteins "Static" "Earth Centered" Lambda Sphere.
ETA: and oh yeah, by the way...
What geometrical 'shape' do you think that the HI clouds are in?
What is my model?
Good question, I like the idea of an infinite universe but there again infinity has to start somewhere -doesn't it?)
I was a believer in the BB until the introduction of inflation and then that is just too much to swallow. Consequently i am still making my mind up as to what my model is.
What i am certain of is that the universe is presently static, redshifts & CMb are the result of tired light. This I have shown from observation (Hydrogen clouds are presently evenly spaced on average) by theory & calculation (using my 'new tired light theory' - it is the same as my old one but i have decided to call it 'new' to separate it from Zwicky's!!!) I calcalculate the Hubble constant and CMB wavelengths) and i am about to put forward a lab test of 'new tired light' provided i can get the graphs in the paper by the deadline at end of next week.
I have never said the universe did not expand in the past. In fact this is put forward as a possibility in my book (I was 57,000 in the amazon best seller list at one time over christmas!)
Why I am interested in this paper is that the rapid rise in electron density coincides with the point where the Hydrogen clouds suddenly become closer together.
This could be, as you say, due to expansion - as I also said here, in tired light the formula is z = exp(Hd/c) - 1 with H = H = 2nhr/m r & m data for electron
So if free electron density rises we get bigger redshifts for the same distances (up to a point as high density gives no redshifts as the ellectrons cannot recoil then) So are the Hydrogen clouds still evenly spaced but appear to get closer together as we get greater redshifts for the same distances?
But that makes us special (which i don't like) hence my original post.
But, since we are looking back in time, electron density is 'free electron density 'so it could be 'recombination' occuring at Z 1 to 2 hence the fall in 'n' locally. too late for the BB but with my theory....
At present , the evidence is that the universe did expand in the past (not 100% on tthis) but has been static for the last billion year or so. local redshifts (less than 1), cMb, are tired light but that makes the universe very much older that the 13.8 billion year thought at present so we don't need inflation.