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Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / Quasars and M87's (4243 hits)
By RussT Date 2010-06-22 03:23
1. Is M87 a "New Galaxy"???

2. Are the "Jets" of M87 creating "New HI clouds/Galaxies"???

3. How do the distant Quasars differ from Elliptical M87's???
By RussT Date 2010-08-05 10:48
The best explanations of "Old Galaxies" in the far Universe (So called "Young Universe") and the relation to the Milky Ways SgrA*(SMBH) which had to develope in the 'same small volume' of space as the farthest Old Galaxies...

Can be found on BAUT's ATM "RussT's Rotating Black Holes"

I am now permanently banned on BAUT for 'repetition' and supposed thread hijacking...But the simple truth is that BAUT is ALL about "Protecting Relativity" AT ALL COSTS!

The "Singularities" are the Entire Problem....they are the "Spaghetti Monsters"

SO, to show why and how their "Black Hole" solutions are 'wrong' I had to show how the "Singularity" in SR of the 1 dimemsional light path being "Contracted down to 0" does NOT EVEN EXIST and therefore the Schwarzschild solution is NOT VALID just as Crothers has shown! AND, that the 4th dimension hypersphere is also INVALID as well as the entire "Inside Schwarzschild Solution" of the EFE expanding/contracting horizons of the "Bubble Universe"....they just do NOT EXIST!

Hoyles "Mini Bangs" are the ONLY Correct way to show Matter Creation and ARE the Long GRB's making New SMBH's in Non Gas areas of space (No Big Bang)...

Put "GRB's and SMBH's" in google search, and see ALL the totally "Wild Speculation" that is taking place,.,..

They will NEVER get it that way....because the only things they speculate on is IFFFFFFFFF "Baryonic Matter" is "already there" ain't ;)
By Mike Petersen Date 2010-08-05 13:34
RussT said, "I am now permanently banned on BAUT..."

Why am I not surprised?
By RussT Date 2010-08-06 11:01 Edited 2010-08-06 11:11
LOL....that's your response...

I have gotten away with putting MORE ATM stuff in the Q&A section of BAUT than anyone else in BAUT's entire history!!!

But, now that I fully understand the whole thing in terms of what Relativity started as, "From First Principles" and what the "Singularities" "Really Mean",
and can put together multiple lines of evidence, with published works...They are VERY threatened.

The real problem is....Gravity is NOT the answer, which is why Dark matter (WIMP's) and Dark Energy do NOT even exist...

BUT, that means Newton and Einstein's SR and GR are all wrong and ALL of science needs to be re-written :<((

IF we are ever to het on the right track and stop ALL of this foolishness and absolute waste of Billions of dollars on Colliders and Gravity wave detection and untold humoungess hours/years of wasted time on something that has NO possibility of even existing!

Instead of just making a "Nereid Like" comment, why don't you go through that thread?

Start at the last part, if you wish, where I challenged Jeff Root to take the SR point of view, and I take the point of view of "Our Perspective"/Earth Rest Frame observer with our brothers as the travelers in each!!!

OR, just address this...

The best explanations of "Old Galaxies" in the far Universe (So called "Young Universe") and the relation to the Milky Ways SgrA*(SMBH) which had to develope in the 'same small volume' of space as the farthest Old Galaxies...
By RussT Date 2010-08-12 07:22 Edited 2010-08-12 10:38
You guys just do NOT get this...There is NO Time Dilation...

The SR ship going just a hair under 'supposed' light speed "c" travels 400 BILLION light years in just 100 seconds...that is ~10 'Bubble Universes' (which do NOT even exist!!!) removed from "Our Universe's farthest Horizon"

That ship is NOT approaching Light speed "C" IS approaching "Infinitely Fast"....IF it were going just a hair faster it would be traveling infinitely fast to Infinity!!!

IF it were going just a hair faster, the universe would be contracted to 0 and it would be going "Nowhere" "Infinitly Fast"!!!

That is the "Singularity" and it does NOT exist...No Time Dilation...and Hawkins agrees that there is NO time dilation in Quasars 6 to 10 billion light years away!!!

No Time Dilation mean that Muons do NOT exist and that Conservation of Energy is absolutely BUNK...there are NO...Muons, Gluons, Pions, WIMP's or Neutrinos

The Universe is operating as an "Open System" and the ONLY solution to the "Horizon Problem", as I have shown is that the CMBR photons are coming into our universe from the "Outside" into the Huge Voids between the Galaxy Clusters and the CMBR is the Aether and makes "Space" absolute and traveling at "c" in every/all directions and traveling right through ALL baryonic Matter!!! That makes the temp of 'space' 2.73k to within 1 part in 100,000 OR within 1 billionth of a degree "k", which IS the ZPE Field, coming into each Void regardless of how far separated they are...

The CMBR, as the ZPEnergy Field, allows for a Massive Magnetic Field to be created for all spinning/rotating objects and means that the Massive Black Hole in the core of galaxies is responsible for holding the Stars/gas in their orbits in galaxies and for the Stars holding their planets in orbits in Solar sytems!!! Just replace WIMP Dark Matter Halo with "Magnetic Field"!!!

There are NO Horizons as the Naked Singularity DOES NOT EXIST!!!

Heat Problem/Horizon Problem at the farthest reaches of space solved...and that is the ONLY solution that exists!!!

Just like the ONLY solution that exists for the creation of HI for a galaxy to start is "when the Massive Black Hole becomes part of the Galaxies Life" IS....

When the Massive Black Hole Comes into existence in a High Energy Gamma Radiation Event....otherwise known as a Long GRB >2 seconds up to 500 seconds!!!
By RussT Date 2010-08-13 10:47
Do you guys think there was/is a "Plank Era"/Regime???
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