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Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / Why zilch anti-matter? .... headbonkingly sniffy concept. (3177 hits)
By Fivedoughnut Date 2011-03-20 11:29
I propose that leptogenesis in the early universe (thought to be just a few seconds after the 'Big Bang') produced equal quantities of both electrons and positrons; however, as the universe was expanding so fast, some may've actually separated beyond c! ..... and this really is key;- Imagine two such electrons e1 & e2 undergoing superluminal divorce; although, this may not be the case for their corresponding positrons (p1 & p2).
eg;- e1 & p2, e2 & p1 may well be relatively local ...... now here's the big "IF"?

If an electron - positron pair are just mere points within a timespace hoop of specific wave-propagational direction (one in which transits from electron to positron) - could it be, that from the frame of the electrons - both local positrons appear to be electrons ..... brought about by means of a rotational inversion created via superluminal departure of their electron twins (Lorentz Transform fashion)?  - This type of mechanism might hold true for all particles created within this and earlier inflationary periods of the universe!

So there we have it - half the electrons in our 'section' of the universe may be simply 'backwards' positrons. Same goes for protons/antiprotons, all and sundry.
By lyndonashmore Date 2011-03-24 22:01
I propose that leptogenesis in the early universe (thought to be just a few seconds after the 'Big Bang') produced equal quantities of both electrons and positrons; however, as the universe was expanding so fast, some may've actually separated beyond c! .....

Nah, Its space that expands not particles - everyone knows that.
The particles do what they want as per gravity/ elctromagnetic forces within a space that is expanding.
If one goes faster than the speed of light the other does.
Think of it as being on a moving escalator.
You might be repelled by the person in fron because of BO and move a step relatively downwards but you all keep movin up on the escalator
Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / Why zilch anti-matter? .... headbonkingly sniffy concept. (3177 hits)

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