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Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / Spooky Alignment of Quasars Across Billions of Light-years (2842 hits)
By Jade Annand Date 2014-11-20 15:41

Does that sound interesting?

From the article:

The article said:

The new VLT results indicate that the rotation axes of the quasars tend to be parallel to the large-scale structures in which they find themselves. So, if the quasars are in a long filament then the spins of the central black holes will point along the filament. The researchers estimate that the probability that these alignments are simply the result of chance is less than 1%.

Much appreciated is this understated quote:

Dominique Siuse said:

The alignments in the new data, on scales even bigger than current predictions from simulations, may be a hint that there is a missing ingredient in our current models of the cosmos.

Does this align with the AGN-emits-quasars view of the universe as much as it sounds like it does?
By Ari Jokimäki Date 2014-11-21 07:41
I went through the fields of listed 19 QSO's. These are not very interesting in discordant redshift sense. Few of them have something remotely interesting nearby. Only two (SDSSJ105833.86+055440.2 with a line alignment and SDSSJ110108.00+043849.6 with nearby spiral galaxy) are interesting enough to take a closer look.
By Jade Annand Date 2014-11-21 16:12
My impression would be that this wouldn't be directly related to discordant redshifts, but rather a longer-term result from those processes as quasars emit and age, because this is large-scale structure. I daresay that it would be a better explanation of the large voids in space than dark-matter-seeded homogeneous space would be :)
Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / Spooky Alignment of Quasars Across Billions of Light-years (2842 hits)

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