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Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / More Problems with Current Universe Age (2082 hits)
By Mike Petersen Date 2015-03-03 10:56
Hey All,

Another very telling example that something is very wrong with the current age estimate of the Universe:

An Odd-Looking Galaxy in a Young Universe

I wonder how many more examples like this will have to be found before the paradigm starts to shift?
By Jade Annand Date 2015-03-03 19:55
So, smack-dab during the middle of the reionization epoch (depending on whether you take ~150 Myr or ~400 Myr as the start), there's what's for all intents and purposes a mature galaxy.

...and they figure 140 Myr is enough to get to where it is now?

(I should look up whatever happened with the 1.1 Gyr "too much carbon" story.)

I hope they DO get to play with ALMA more.

I wonder how much time pressure they're going to be able to take before the 13.7 Gyr age of the universe gets another epoch added to it. Perhaps some sort of pre-opaque epoch ionization neutralization stage during which these galaxies formed? :)

Thanks, Mike :)
Previous Next Up Topic Cosmology / Alternative Cosmology / More Problems with Current Universe Age (2082 hits)

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