Hi Guys posted here a while ago re Tired Light so thought I would update you all:
Basically there. Finished. QED
1) A FRB with host galaxy redshift enabled the mean electron density to be determined. Turns out its 0.5 per cubic metre exactly as I have been predicting for the last 10 years.
2) Give me any distance to a galaxy and I will work out the redshift from first principles and get it correct.
3) I will do the same for the CMB
4) Dispersion Measure used in Radio astronomy is an exciting aspect. Since DM is due to electrons in IG space and Tired Light believes the same then they should be related. They are and you can find it here'
http://www.scirp.org/Journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=70089peer reviewed
Tired light QED