The JWST found the most distant supermassive black hole (SMBH) yet! It's so far that it existed when the Universe was only 570 million years old. This SMBH is a whopping 9 million times the mass of the sun. It was found in the CEERS survey in a galaxy called CEERS 1019. 1/
So there's a lot more to come from this survey. But I said this is a conundrum. Why? Because previously, we've found SMBHs that weigh a few billion times the mass of the sun even the Universe was 1 billion years old. 4/
SMBHs a billion times the mass of the sun so early in the Universe's history poses a great problem for typical black hole growth models to explain: they simply cannot grow that big that fast. Yet we find many of them in the early universe. 5/
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